First ever...
The company's GLOBAL BARTENDER Minibar Services is the world's first Internet based minibar management information service - designed to work with virtually any minibar in any hotel. The service provides subscribing hotels with E-mail reports detailing which minibars need to be checked and serviced and how long it takes attendants to service them. In addition, other critical information is monitored and reported direct.
E-mail solution...
Every day E-mail reports are sent to subscribing hotels to use as task lists for their minibar attendants and monitor their performance. The reports are designed not only to help hotels boost productivity and profits, but also to benchmark performance between attendants, within chains and between collaborating hotels.
Helping hotels...
GEMS Systems, Inc. of America is a wholly owned subsidiary of GEMS AS - founded in Norway in 1997 by a group of hotel system specialists and investors to design, develop and operate easy-to-use state-of-the-art hi-tech services to help hotels around the world successfully run their minibars for profit.
Focus on simplicity... The company's focus is on its core business of design, development and operation of easy-to-use services to help hotels around the world succesfully run their minibars for profit. All other aspects of the business are outsourced to local companies that are leaders in their respective fields.
GLOBAL BARTENDER Minibar Services are marketed through authorized sales representatives to all types and sizes of hotels in virtually any location.
Free samples available...
Send us an E-mail request and we will send you free sample reports.

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